Louisa Starr

Lou – The Eccentric Celebrant

Aye up! I’m Lou, (she/her), from Starr Gazing Ceremonies – AKA – the Eccentric One!
BIZARRE, WEIRD, COLOURFULL, ECLECTIC, THEMED – these are my kind of ceremonies.

Theatre, music, singing get me buzzing – oh and so does wearing a beard!!!

Have you had a Star Wars light saber battle, had a sprinting contest, drawn caricatures, had a Quidditch battle, had a sock throwing competition, LARPed or danced the Time Warp at a wedding ceremony before?

Well, you’ve not been to a Starr Gazing Ceremony in that case!


If you’ve been to a wedding ceremony but not remembered a single part of the most important part of the day and are wanting something irregular and unusual for your own wedding ceremony, then definitely follow the Starr!

Although I am renowned by my fellow TIC friends as being an all-nighter, party, festival, drinking, dancing revelIer, I will definitely not sleep until I’ve created something off the scales or with a style and theme that totally unlike any other wedding ceremony!

If you are want your guests to hear your story about you as a couple, then no problem – but how about doing it YOUR way and not just the ‘norm’?

It’s not in my nature to deliver wedding ceremonies that are the same as everybody else’s! I want to get to know the REAL you!

Would you like to involve and include your guests in your wedding ceremony? Are you fans of the bizarre and obscure? Have you any themes for your wedding? Do you want honour and respect wedding traditions and symbolic rituals?

As an Independent Celebrant, I honour and respect your beliefs. Traditions and fundamental elements can be recognised but it doesn’t mean fun can’t be had and that your guests can’t be included!

And yes, you may be thinking that a wedding ceremony should be about celebrating love, following tradition, sealing a bond, and confirming your commitment to one another.

As somebody that has been married since 2007, I certainly know, understand, appreciate and honour the values of marriage and these elements can indeed be honoured and respected.

BUT your ceremony can authentically creative and truly original!

If you have been told that ‘This is what you have and this is how it’s done?’ and you must have things like readings, poems, blah blah blah in your ceremony, then I can confirm that this is NOT TRUE!

These symbolic elements are certainly beautiful and can be included and many celebrants offer various rituals.

BUT, the rituals I’m talking about are ones like having Yoda, the Bearded Lady, Whoopi Goldberg, LARPers, Gandalf, appear!

We’re not just talking about being really alternative but totally irregular which is our ethos in TIC!

Music is a passion of mine and is often an integral part of a ceremony. I’ve had some great singalongs that have made the ceremony truly memorable!

Have you a favourite song or one that’d be comical when hearing your guests trying to belt it out? I’ve had some hilarious songs ranging from the Zimbabwean National Anthem to Pokemon Theme Tune to Bohemian Rhapsody!

I will spend hours meeting with couples (over a pint preferably!) so that I get to know them and what they want from their wedding ceremony. I love brainstorming different ideas and concepts of bizarre-ness, weirdness and creativeness in order to make a ceremony that absolutely shines!



Everybody is different hence every funeral ceremony should be different!

Alternative funerals and memorials don’t have to necessarily mean that they have to be strange! They may not be as conventional as the traditional style of funeral but they allow a broad and more open perspective to a celebration of a loved one.

Each life is unique hence every script should be unique.

Let’s talk about the person, their character, their personality! Let’s celebrate their life!

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